45° Flat Bend for Diversitech 3" SpeediChannel™ Line Set Covers
45° Flat Bend for Diversitech 3" SpeediChannel™ Line Set Covers
Model: DiversiTech 230-FB453

Model: DiversiTech 230-FB453
Compatible Only with Diversitech Line Set Covers
45° flat bends are used with two SpeediChannel™ straight channels to make a 45 degree turn on a wall. Each bend comes with stainless steel screws for installation.
DiversiTech SpeediChannel™ is an innovative channel system used to cover air conditioning line sets. The two part system has a base and a cover. The base is fastened to a wall or ceiling, then a plastic clip (SpeediClip™) snaps into a channel already molded into the base. Using standard cable ties ran through the SpeediClips™, the line set, cables, control wires and / or condensate drain line are fastened in place. The cover then simply snaps on top of the base.
The SpeediChannel™ system is manufactured from rigid PVC, available in 3", 4" and 6" widths, and can be used both indoors and outdoors. Each piece of SpeediChannel™ is 3 1/4 feet long, and a complete line of couplings, elbows and tees are available. These line set covers can also be painted to match any wall color.
- Diversitech SpeediChannel Brochure 5-2023(PDF, 510 KB)
- Speedichannel Installation Instructions 5-2023(PDF, 3.20 MB)
- Diversitech SpeediChannel Spec Sheet 5-2023(PDF, 1.82 MB)
- Diversitech Line Set Cover Design Image Examples(PDF, 83.1 KB)